To the casual observer, it may seem like we haven't doing much with toys lately here at BRINQ! However, though we HAVE been pretty busy, we've had our eyes at everywhere for new toys and innovations at all things play. Everywhere being Brazil, Kenya, the U.S., and of course the Internet.
Here are a few of the toys we've come across in the Base of the Pyramid.
To the casual observer, it may seem like we haven't doing much with toys lately here at BRINQ! However, though we HAVE been pretty busy, we've had our eyes at everywhere for new toys and innovations at all things play. Everywhere being Brazil, Kenya, the U.S., and of course the Internet.
Here are a few of the toys we've come across in the Base of the Pyramid.
Toys Cars Kids love cars, and they love to play with model cars the world over. Most of the cars we saw were made with scavenged metal wire for the frame, rubber bands for the joints, and cut up sandals for the wheels. A long metal rod with a steering wheel on the end (attached to an axel on the front wheels) allows kids to race their cars around the streets, including lots of popular makes and models: Corvettes, Land Rovers, Jeep, VW Bugs and more.
See also the Gallery at, Jungle Photos, for more.
Animated wireframe figures We came across wireframe push toys on our first trip out to the Rift Valley in Kenya, then later encountered them throughout Kibera and the other slums of Nairobi. Similar to the wireframe care except with moving parts, rotating wheels on the bottom cause the figure on top to move, a bird to flap its wings, and man to ride its horse. Often the wire would be wrapped in bright thread to give the figure a costume.
Check out a number of these toys at ToyResearch on Blogspot.
BottleCap Toys We ecountered lots of bottlecaps during our time in Kenya, especially the days we spent sorting trash with the Kibera Youth Self Help Group. We also came across a few bottlecap toys, some fishing line or wire and you can make snakes, action figures, and more.
Check out FolkArtPlus and for more examples.
Soccer/Football Soccer is one of the most loved sports in the Base of the Pyramid. Every kid dreams of being the next Pele or David Beckham, drafted to play for their favorite English Premier League team like Manchester United or Arsenal. Soccer balls are expensive though, so most kids have come up with an ingenious solution using a commonly donated item
condoms! Wrap a blown up condom in a plastic bag and lots of string, and you're on your way to the Premiere league!
Check out the film "The Ball" at
Anything with a wheel An old bicycle inner tube, a barrel wheel, or even a wheel off a car
if it's round and rollable kids will play with it! Often we'd see kids in Kenya running behind a rolling tire, pushing it along with a tap of a stick while being chased by other kids. An easy to make toy and mobile too.