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Kenya and local heroes (CFK)


it's been a busy three weeks in Kenya, with the Base of the Pyramid Protocol Pilot team bouncing around western Kenya. If anyone doubted poorer communities had local geniuses or heroes, you should come spend some time in the parts of Kenya few outsiders ever see… we can't seem to turn a corner without bumping into amazing people. So much is being done locally, yet so many challenges still exist.

Off to Find New FriendsÂ…

And so it begins…

In just two days ways we arrive in Kenya, to begin the pilot test of the Base of the Pyramid (BoP) Protocol.

So you may be wondering, with Sheri Willoughby busy consulting on another BoP project for Johnson and Johnson, and Patrick and the BoP Protocol team in Africa, will the the Workshop get pretty empty?

Actually, it may get more crowded than ever in here! I can't tell you how eager we are to invite some smiling new faces in here. Toys to discover, games to learn, stories to share, dreams to awake. Stay tuned for regular updates from the field.

And please, wish us luck and learning.

Create often, play always.

-your friends at BRINQ.

The Power of Play - Relief for Children of the Tsunami

How do you help children cope when their whole world has been swept away?

A number of tsunami relief organizations and corporations are showing that one answer is helping children do what they do best . . . play.

The Christian Children's Fund reports on CCF's role in the tsunami relief and helping children heal through play:

Amidst the death and destruction, CCF’s child centered spaces are providing an oasis of hope for children left homeless or orphaned by the tsunami. The child-friendly places provide organized activities to thousands of children living in camps who have lost their homes in Indonesia, Sri Lanka and India.

Toni Radler, CCF’s Communications Director, visited the child-friendly places while assisting in the tsunami-affected areas. “They are making a huge difference for the children. Before these spaces were created, children were walking around listless or sleeping part of the day. Now they are playing games and singing, and even receiving informal education, such as math instruction. Several of our parent volunteers are actually kindergarten teachers,” she said.

Every Toy Tells a Story

Children's toys from the developing world appear in a special exhibit of toys created by Christian Children's Fund children around the world. The collection, currently in the lobby of CCF's Richmond headquarters, features about 250 toys, each with its own story. Plans are underway to exhibit the toys in children's museums around the U.S. A doll made of rolled-up white material has a special meaning in Belarus. Some 40 years ago, the country experienced an epidemic of scarlet fever. In one of the villages, almost all the children died.

Keeping it Cool - Clay Pot Refrigeration

Who: Mohammed Bah Abba
Where: Nigeria
What: For less than $2 for a clay pot system to refrigerate up to 12 kg of produce.

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